Communication Delivery Platform

TagCommunications Delivery Platform

Digital Communication Tools & SIP Trunking for a Positive ROI in Hybrid Cloud | An insight


Gone are the days when various digital communications tools were used for business communication purpose. Now is the time of Integrated systems and hybrid cloud approach where SIP Trunking and many other Digital communication approaches integrate to one digital communication system comprising of all the necessary digital communication tools in place.

With Hybrid cloud approach. Enterprises can streamline their digital communication solutions by utilizing a few functions from the cloud and keep the data and other proprietary stuff on-premises infrastructure. But, in reality, any enterprise would only accept a new system if it can deliver more with less. In business terms, a new system is only acceptable if the system results in a Positive ROI (Return on Investment). Let’s analyze the Return on Investment for a digital communication tools and techniques over a hybrid cloud deployment

Digital communication tools impact on Hybrid Cloud

With Unified digital communications, there are 8 cost factors:

  • IT Staff: with efficient digital communication tools, IT staff can be decreased. This reduces cost of IT staff
  • Data Centers: With a hybrid cloud deployment, the infrastructure costs are reduced.
  • Maintenance: since some of the functionalities are handled in the cloud, there is lesser maintenance than in an on-premises setup. So you save on this one too.
  • UCaaS Licenses: for licensing, its different for different provider, there are less chances of saving cost on this one in a hybrid deployment. (If you plan to shift to a cloud based UC Solution, you’ll save huge on licensing too)
  • Internal Network: The internal network of the company remains unchanged, so, this is a constant factor.
  • Network Access Bandwidth: This is something that changes with technology; however, you are going to get cheaper alternates to Internet access technology already in your company.
  • Endpoints: this remains constant as well.
  • Cloud Contract: this is an increased cost. The cost of service is offset by decrease of costs in other factors.

The overall costs of a hybrid cloud deployment with a standard digital communication solution define it is good to go. However, this is where SIP trunking comes into play. IF you add SIP Trunking to the equation, things get interesting. The initial setup costs on SIP Trunking may be added to the factors but it gets reduced with time. The best part is the overall communication costs for local and international clients are greatly reduced. This means you get more international clients without having to pay huge for the international calls.

ALSO READ Boost your Business Productivity with Teams Direct Routing Solutions

MachCloud Cloud based SIP Trunking for a Smooth Business Communication

MachCloud is an industry-leading digital communications platform offering SIP Trunking services to Partners. With flexibility in migrations and on-demand number porting, you can offer unified solution for existing PBX equipment, contact center, Skype for Business, Cloud PBX and calling via Microsoft Teams. The SIP trunking based on MachCloud’s Service Management and Communications Delivery Platform is going to get your business going in a smooth direction.

Head over to MachCloud for a robust SIP Trunking platform, beneficial for your business with a positive ROI.

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SIP Trunking Solutions: Less Cost, More Services


SIP Trunking Solutions

With the adoption of SIP trunking Solutions on the rise, many cloud businesses are able to take advantage of better SIP Trunking costs savings since the need to install communication infrastructure  has diminished along with maintenance of that infrastructure. Moving from hardware to software has a lot of key benefits.  With UC Solutions, organizations can maximize cost savings especially through SIP Trunking. Here’s how: 

New Tariffs

According to Gartner Research Director, Sorell Slaymaker, the biggest benefit to cloud businesses regarding SIP trunking Solutions is the introduction of single new tariffs. With traditional phone lines, organizations paid for interstate and intrastate calls separately with the latter being of higher rates than the former. SIP Trunking has abandoned this difference and there is one way of calling: IP based calls. Now, carriers can’t enforce two separate rate regulations, rather there is a single tariff rate prevalent for all outgoing calls.

Lowered  Taxes

With SIP Trunking, there is a drop in taxes for organizations as compared to a traditional phone system.  For businesses that still haven’t made the shift, about 20% of their usage bill consists of the taxes they have to pay. This is double in comparison to usage bill of organizations that have deployed SIP trunking whose taxes constitute of just 10% of their total bill. In case of SIP trunking, the taxes can be negotiated with the carrier for better cost saving.


The biggest benefit of adopting SIP Trunking Solutions in terms of cost savings is that, even if an origination Pools a large SIP Trunk capacity as part of its Disaster Recovery Solution, they have to pay only for the concurrent session that is used. This is in contrast to a traditional telephony system where carriers charge for t1 access and PRI Ports, whether it was used or not.

UC Solutions Providers’ Competition

Since, UC Solutions adoption is on the rise, there are many companies coming up as UC Solutions Provider to cater for the need in the market. With more Providers in market, a drop in rates was initially observed. It is predicted that a further 50% costs savings shall be possible in US because of high competition amongst carriers.

ALSO READ: A look into of SIP Trunk Costs

MachCloud’s cost effective SIP Trunking Solutions

MachCloud offers SIP trunking Solutions based on best-in-line Service Management and Communications Delivery Platform. With this platform, Providers can generate new business streams and take advantage from attractive tariffs for increased profits and improved margins. With MachCloud’s SIP Trunking, businesses can manage and migrate all of their telecom services on-demand number porting from a single portal. You’ll be able to Offer maximal flexibility and a unified solution for Skype for Business, Cloud PBX, existing PBX equipment, contact center, and calling via Microsoft Teams.

With SIP Trunking from MachCloud, you’d surely get all it needs to get your cloud business in the Right Direction with maximum cost savings.


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