Communication Delivery Platform

CategoryDigital Communications

Top 3 benefits of Cloud Softphone over traditional Desk Phones


With the rise of Remote working, the very promising concept of Softphones has emerged. Cloud Softphones are calling apps on Computers and mobile devices that facilitate employers to stay in touch with remote workers and keep track of their work progress. These softphones mimic desk phones with a unique interface that resembles a desk phone having a complete dial pad and other features like Mute, Hold, and Transfer. They offer video calling and conferencing, chat and SMS capabilities, visual voicemail management along with all traditional business phone system features.

Digital communication providers offer a wide range of services which include Softphones as well as part of their cloud phone system services. This includes Providers offering free desktop and mobile apps or third-party Softphone apps that work with a variety of services.

  • Keep your business on the Go

With a cloud softphone in place, you can take your business anywhere. That is in contrast to a traditional business phone system that resides on the office premises. In this way, if any employee is travelling to clients for meetings, he can take the cloud business phone system with him and still be in communication with the other staff.

  • Private numbers stay private

With personal numbers saved in the mobile, employees can use softphones to answer calls or make calls on work related numbers while keeping the personal numbers safe. These softphones also don’t take up the call plan minutes because they make calls based on the IP technology.

  • Efficiency with usability

Cloud softphones offer a wide variety of interesting user interfaces with features like Drag-and-Drop Call Transfers, Visual Voicemail, Incoming Call Notifications and many more. You can add shortcuts for keeping things simple while you are travelling and making calls.

ALSO READ: SIP Trunking Solutions: Less Cost, More Services

Bonus Benefit: Less clutter, cleaner office

Indeed with softphones in hand, the need and clutter of desk phones is eliminated. No need for traditional business phones power adapters, Ethernet connections, extra cords and other clutter that resides on your desk at office.

MachCloud- the best UCaaS Provider in town

Unified Communications as a Service Providers are in demand for all the cost benefits that they provide to the company. MachCloud services are best-in-line with latest infrastructure and decent Disaster Recovery solutions that keep your business on the go even in the midst of a calamity. With MachCloud, you can Resell better with Office 365 pocket-friendly plans and maximize your profit margins with the plan of your choice. For a progressive business, the choice of the right UCaaS provider is a must. MachCloud is just the right provider for you.


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How Modern Digital Communications Can Open Up Significant New Opportunities for Resellers


You plan to provide best-in-line Digital Communication to businesses opting for a secure digital transformation. Great!

You are doing business in the right direction because businesses are shifting to as-a-service model. And so, Unified Digital Communication as a Service (UDCaaS) is also a promising approach in the field of Unified communications pertaining to the increasing Unified Communication (UC) needs in the future. The term “Unified communications” is popular in every business these days.  For enterprises, it has become a necessity. Given the enormous amount of information exchange through multiple communications in an enterprise, the need for unified communication for enterprises is increasing every year. Communication channels like email, video conference call and many more are managed centrally using unified communications solutions. Reselling model that enables offering UC business infrastructure is much in demand in market. It would be great to have a bunch of essentials for this business to flourish: like a partner providing customer-engagement, UDCaaS-style capabilities, high bandwidth, performance, significant reductions in call costs with little to no CAPEX, streamlined business processes with conferencing, collaboration, messaging and presence capabilities, to the point where you can go for advanced applications like Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS).

What if you find a Provider who ACTUALLY provides all these needs – the collab tools required for better streamline business ops, efficient customer-engagement, reduced calls and least CAPEX, efficient Cloud PBX migrations and provides you flexibility to scale the business too.  Many resellers and telecom companies have now found the business opportunities that lie within secure Unified Digital Communication and even ahead of it. The need for an UDCaaS provider is real.

MachCloud facilitates Cloud Providers with all the answers needed for a successful and promising communication infrastructure for a sustainable business.

What resellers want from their Digital Communications Provider?

Resellers are always in search for ways to increase revenue and make more profit with their own margins. Naturally, they are in search for novel approaches of reselling models and a good combination of features that a Provider facilitates them with. In other words, it is only what the provider offers that can make a difference in Reselling outcomes for the Resellers’ business. Here are a few factors that enable Resellers to earn more form their offerings and stay best-in-line in the market.

  • Proficient technical skills: A key concern remains whether Providers have the skills or the bandwidth to build out their portfolio, with many questioning whether they are ready to embrace higher value service opportunities such as UDCaaS, Security, SD-WAN or CCaaS.
  • Best-in-line Technology Services Distributor: a specialist Technology Services Distributor can equip channel sales partners with a much broader portfolio of skills, technologies and expertise, allowing them to target far more complex and higher value UC and cloud business opportunities, safe in the knowledge that they always have access to best practice solutions from pre-vetted supplier partners.
  • Disaster recovery solutions: Overcoming uncertainty will be critical for channel sales partners in 2020, indeed for those channel sales partners that can serve as a trusted advisor and help organizations navigate their more complex cloud choices there’s a real opportunity to build lasting business partnerships with strong repeat revenues.
  • More choices on offers: The shift to UC-as-a-Service will also help channel partners to target and acquire more spend from their end-user customers. With more choice on offer, organizations will become involved in more constructive discussions, and get to work with a partner that can actually bring them the optimum solutions from the potentially hundreds of different UC and cloud technologies that are available
  • Faster time to value: resellers can take advantage of the relatively short sales cycle enabled by UDCaaS, and they can also leverage their in-depth knowledge of the customer’s business to only recommend solutions that are applicable to address evolving requirements.
  • Better management: With so many complex services being offered to customers, a decent management portal is direly needed for a unified management experience at the resellers’ end. Not only this saves time in keeping up with tasks and customers, such a portal is needed to gain better insights on customers’ needs and in this way the resellers can increase the service requirements before the customers actually demand them.
  • Easy migrations: Not all Providers go smooth with migrations. The need for a Provider which provides smooth migrations, like Cloud PBX transitions, in real-time is much needed. Pertaining to the sensitive nature of unified communications, resellers can’t afford any loss of customer call or meeting while upgrading their business requirements internally. A smooth migration is much needed.

MachCloud offers faster time to revenue, easier migrations, Unified management portal, choices of having a combination of vendors and industry experts to facilitate resellers and enable them to proceed with a flourishing UDCaaS business. It is a unique service management and communication delivery platform. Offering both Hosted PBX and On-premise PBX, MachCloud offers unique plans flexible for your enterprise and best Unified communications solutions including SIP trunk Services, Hosted Voice, Skype 4 business  and other Microsoft services like Dynamics 365, Office 365 services at very affordable rates. With one management portal which allows for unified invoicing and easy unified communication management, MachCloud is the most promising UC solutions provider in the market.

Now, you must have an idea what you need for a successful UDCaaS business. Unfortunately, too many channel partners still remain unsure whether they have the in-depth technical skills to deliver such an integrated UC-enabled managed service on top of more routine IP network sales. Professionals at MachCloud are more than confident with their years of cloud industry experience to deliver you THE BEST migration services.


In essence, a reseller must know where the potential of a successful UDCaaS business lies – the infrastructure behind. Resellers have a choice to start from scratch, build an infrastructure or go for the smart approach and transition their initial UC communications platform projects into continuous engagements that unlock multiple opportunities for repeat residual business by delivering improved quality UDCaaS, gaining better time to revenue, cutting costs and redefining UDCaaS as we know today.

Communication Delivery Platform

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MachCloud is a leading solution provider, crossing all the barriers, for true cross platform unified communication.

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